Worship Sharing offers another way for Friends to engage with one another in spirit-led gatherings, in response to specific questions (Queries). It helps us to explore our own experience and share with each other more deeply than we would in normal conversation. It seeks to draw us into sacred space, where we can take down our usual defenses, and encounter each other in “that which is eternal.”

In our sessions, we share a specific set of Queries for participants to consider, and to speak to.  The group begins in silence, and people speak when they are ready.   While it is perfectly acceptable for anyone to “pass” and not respond to the material, the intent of these sessions is to provide a space for Friends to connect verbally, which differs from the practice of Silent Worship. To learn more about this process, the Friends General Conference has provided Worship Sharing guidelines which you can access HERE

Our weekly Worship Sharing sessions take place Wednesday evenings at 7:00 MST, and are conducted online. Notices are sent out on Monday or Tuesday with the queries that will be the focus of that week’s session, along with the link to the Zoom meeting. You can join us here:


Meeting ID: 978 2399 1964

Passcode: 616380
Dial in: 1(669) 900-9128